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About our institute

The Transport and Spatial Planning Institute (German abbreviation: IVR)

  • ...was established in 2003 as an academic section of the Transport and Communications Department of Erfurt University of Applied Sciences.
  • …serves practice-oriented, interdisciplinary academic research as well as the transfer of know-how in the fields of transport and spatial planning.
  • … has already worked successfully in cooperation with European institutions, Federal and State Ministries as well as their executive bodies, special-purpose associations and representative bodies, economic organizations, consultancy companies as well as scientific institutions.
  • …combines the competencies of three professorships and 15 research associates from various disciplines (e.g. transport engineering, spatial planning, information technology, geography, sociology).

The wide-ranging experience of the Institute’s professors, staff members as well as the various cooperation partners, enables the Institute to offer a broad spectrum of services. This is in particular:

  • fundamental research in the fields of mobility, transport and spatial planning,
  • development of concepts for local, regional and national problems,
  • supporting the implementation of concepts and innovative solutions, 
  • method consultancy, cooperation and project management, 
  • transfer of know-how and educational work through the organisation and arrangement of workshops and conferences.



Prof. Dr. Matthias Gather

Visitors' address:

Institut Verkehr und Raum
Fachhochschule Erfurt
Building 11, rooms 11.1.13 - 11.1.28
Altonaer Straße 25
99085 Erfurt

General enquiries:
